Record holders Stephen Rattigan, Robert Tuomey, Nicky Kearney and Brian Cawley

Guinness Book of Records 2025 recognises Mayo 'longest group hug' achievement

A unique Mayo achievement is featured in The Guinness Book of Records 2025, which is published today.

Castlebar men Stephen Rattigan, Robert Tuomey, Nicky Kearney and Brian Cawley have broken the record for the 'Longest Marathon Group Hug' twice.

They did so firstly in 2017, which was subsequently broken by a group in Japan, and they took back the record in 2019, a feat which is featured in the 70th anniversary publication of the book which sells 100 million copies worldwide.

Stated Stephen: "We did both record attempts for charity, raising €12,000.

"The 2019 record took place in Market Square, Castlebar, where we hugged for 30 hours and one minute.

"We are all absolutely delighted to get mentioned in this year's Guinness Book of Records because there are thousands and thousands of records online and only a select few ever make into print in the book."

Congratulations lads.