Lighting out in Mayo estate a 'public disgrace'

THE lights are back on in a housing estate in Knock, but a local councillor has branded it 'a public disgrace' that they were out in the first place.

For three months Glencarra estate has been without public lighting, Councillor Richard Finn told a municipal meeting, highlighting the health and safety implications and how lighting is vital in society.

He tabled a notice of motion asking for the status on the estate take over by the council, efforts made to have lighting turned on and other issues sorted.

A reply from management explained: 'This is a private housing development. The Claremorris-Swinford MD have sought a detailed report on the entire development from the estates take over section who liaise with the developer as part of the process. We understand they are in the process of preparing same.

'We have had the street lighting within the estate assessed and there is a considerable cost required to bring the lighting up to an acceptable standard. We are currently identifying funding options for these works.'

Councillor Finn wondered why people were paying local property tax when they are getting no services in return.

Some lighting has been turned on very recently, he noted, but in future the council would have to step up, with lighting being an important part of keeping people safe in estates.

Councillor Paul Lawless said it had been a big issue for many months for residents and he pushed for timelines on estate take over.

Many residents are elderly and he pointed out trip hazards on manholes, where final resurfacing isn't done.

The 'pure frustration' of residents was highlighted by Councillor Alma Gallagher, as well as health and safety with children out playing and the lights out.