Mayo air dome to host Education and Training Expo in November

Senior cycle and pre-senior cycle students, along with their families, are invited to attend the Education and Training Expo/Taispeántas Oideachais agus Oiliúna, set to take place at the Connacht GAA Centre of Excellence Air Dome in Bekan, on Wednesday, November 27.

This important event offers students and their families a unique chance to explore a wide array of educational and career options as they approach the end of their second-level education or consider returning to education as mature learners seeking to reskill or upskill.

As with previous years, there will be a large number of stands to reflect the wide range of options available to students after post-primary level, including universities, Further Education and Training options as well as the vast number of apprenticeships available.

“This year's Education and Training Expo is designed to open doors to opportunities that students and mature learners may not have considered,” said Pat Howley, chairperson of the Mayo Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) Education & Training Working Group.

“We want to empower attendees with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their future pathways.”

The Education and Training Expo is dedicated to providing crucial information to students and their families regarding the variety of post-secondary options available to them.

Whether they are interested in continuing their education at a university, exploring further education, or considering alternative career paths, the fair offers valuable resources and guidance. Admission is free, ensuring that everyone has access to this beneficial event.

“We will once again have a diverse range of exhibitors, including many top universities, colleges, and further education institutes,” Mr. Howley continued.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for students to ask questions directly to representatives and gain insights into their future options.”

The event is organised in collaboration with Mayo County Council; MSLETB; the HSE; Mayo Roscommon Local Area Employment Services; the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP); Údarás na Gaeltachta; ATU; South West Mayo Development Company; and the Mayo North East LEADER Partnership.

Pat Howley added: “We encourage students from second level schools across the region, as well as their parents, teachers, and guidance counsellors, to attend. It’s not just for Mayo residents—students from surrounding counties are also welcome to join us and benefit from the wealth of information available.”

He added, “Our goal is to make sure every student leaves the fair feeling more confident about their future, whether that involves higher education, vocational training, or other career paths.”

The organising committee for this year's event includes Pat Howley, Anne Ronayne, Donal Hoban, Michael Gill, Pamela Ní Thaidhg, Tracie O’Leary, Margaret Keane, Orlagh Denneny, Tim Rogers, Charlie Lambert, Mary Costello, and Justin Sammon.

PHOTO: Pictured are Donal Hoban, HSE; Pat Howley, Director OSD at MSLETB; Margaret Keane, Mayo North East LEADER; Councillor Al McDonnell, Pamela Ní Thaidhg, Údarás na Gaeltachta; Charlie Lambert, MSP, and Anne Ronayne, organising committee member, Mayo County Council. Photo: Alison Laredo