Good progress on west Mayo water scheme
GOOD progress on delivering the Murrisk-Lecanvey water scheme has been reported by Councillor Peter Flynn.
Over 80% of the main trunk line to Kilsallagh is now complete with the expectation to have it completed as planned by the end of next month.
The network pipelines are tracking to schedule and are expected to be fully complete by mid next year.
Water from Lough Mask will be flowing in some homes in Murrisk next month.
Councillor Flynn also confirmed that from discussions with Irish Water reps, the hope is that the extension of the Lough Mask pipeline into Louisburgh will commence Q4 of this year or Q1 2025.
The upgrade of the Brackloon scheme is progressing well and Mayo County Council hope to have it transferred to Irish Water in the coming months.
Councillor Flynn extended thanks to Michael McDermott and his team in the council for their work in progressing these projects.
He extended thanks also to the people in the various areas west of Belclare for their patience in dealing with disruption.