St. Gerald's Class of 1978 to 1984 holding school reunion

HARD to believe but 40 years have passed since the St. Gerald’s College Leaving Cert class members of 1984 were released to the world!

To mark this occasion an informal reunion will be held on Saturday, November 16, at Bridge St, Castlebar, for all those who were, at any stage, part of the class of 1978 to 1984. This is your chance to reconnect, swap stories, and reminisce about the days of Rubik’s cubes, space invaders, and cassette tapes rewound with a pencil.

The gathering will commence downstairs at 6 p.m. and will continue from 8 p.m. upstairs when lite-bites will be served, with an '80s quiz, music and plenty of banter and good cheer.

Partners are more than welcome. A contribution of €20 per person or €30 per couple will cover costs for the evening.

Please contact any of the following before October 31, to confirm your attendance: Barry Campbell (087) 6827207, Declan Durcan (086) 2658038, Kevin Durcan (087) 2455998, John O’Connor (086) 0674112, Kevin Swift (087) 222369 or email

Pictured above is the Class of 1978 to 1984, St. Gerald’s College, Castlebar.

Front row, from left: Tom Brennan, Andy Leonard, John O’Connor, Cyril Kavanagh, David Kelly, James McCarthy (RIP), Paul Mangan, Kevin Beirne, Jonathan Quinn, John Rabbitt, Tony Lawless, Declan Downs and John Bourke.

Second row: John Kilkenny, Mark Bourke, Patrick Solan, Bernie McNamee, John Stewart, Paul Reilly, Fintan Sammon, John O’Donnell, Richard Staunton, Des Joyce, Brendan McCormack, Martin Carney, Val Bayes, Philip Beirne, Declan Courell and Iarla Mongey.

Third row: Michael Ruane, Paraic McHale, Michael McNicholas, Michael P. Moran, Derek Tobin, Kevin Swift, John Moran, Christopher Fitzgerald, Tom Thomas, Walter Tuffy, Barry McCann (RIP), Patrick Gilboy, Gerry Campbell, Martin Devanney and John Mayock (RIP).

Fourth row: Paraic Connor, Richard Gillespie, David Sweeney, John Touhy, Michael O’Donnell, Kevin Durcan, Anthony Skeffington, Aidan Connelly, David Cowley, Paraic Hopkins, Paul Devanney, David McLoughlin, Pat Prendergast, John Walsh and Martin Joyce.

Back row: Ger Davitt, Pat Flannelly, Michael Barrett, Peter O’Malley, Barry Campbell, Ian Reidy, Eoin Conway, Sean T. Moran, Anthony Quinn, Declan Durcan, Leo Gavin, Kevin Ryan, Harry Jennings, Pierce McDonnell, Michael McHale and Liam Fahey.

Missing from picture John McCormack and Mark Winters.

Photo courtesy of Tom Campbell Photography.