Entrance to the town park in Castlebar. Image from Google Maps

Consultation on basic pitch project at park in Mayo county town

CONSULTATION is to take place with residents about the possibility of developing a football playing area at the town park in Castlebar.

A basic pitch or simple levelling so it's fit for children to have a kickaround in the evenings is what's suggested.

When the matter came before a municipal meeting by way of a motion this week, some elected representatives raised the commitment that had been given when the playground was developed at the town park - there would be no further development.

Councillor Harry Barrett tabled a motion calling on the council to construct a community football pitch in the town park, to add to the amenities there.

Some children didn't want to join clubs and this would provide a very simple solution, with a basic pitch, he said.

The motion was supported by Councillor Ger Deere, who said they weren't talking about a development like Milebush; nothing spectacular, maybe just levelling the ground so it's fit for children to play on in the evenings.

“We have six acres down there but it's not being used enough,” he commented.

Councillor Michael Kilcoyne reminded them of the commitment given to Rowan Drive residents, that there would no further development.

They didn't want a pitch, a point reiterated by Councillor Blackie Gavin who said it is cut on a regular basis and there's nothing to stop children going down kicking a ball as it is.

Cathaoirleach Councillor Donna Sheridan proposed an amendment, that they would look at the matter in consultation with the residents.

Municipal head David Mellett said they would flesh out a proposal and circulate it to the residents so they could consider it before coming into the council chamber.