First steps to achieve Age Friendly status for Knock

KNOCK has been identified by Mayo’s Older People’s Council as ideal to develop as an Age Friendly village.

An Age Friendly Town plans for the older person’s needs, supports active ageing and facilitates older adults to remain living in their own homes and communities for longer.

Age Friendly Towns consider citizens’ needs in a holistic way, focusing not just on the built environment but also on access to services, cultural opportunities, safety and security, and residents feeling connected to the community.

The Age Friendly Towns Programme gives people a great opportunity to see changes on the ground such as connected transport routes, seating on streets, installation of Age Friendly parking, improved road markings and traffic lights systems, community spaces, level pavements and improved accessibility.

To progress this idea an Age Friendly Town Action Group must be established. It is very important that the AFTAG includes representatives of local community members and/or businesspeople.

If this is something you would be interested in being involved in, or you would like to hear more about, please email or contact (094) 9064735.