Pictured at the launch of Mayo Ideas Month 2024 were (from left): Margaret Charleton (Enterprise Ireland), Michelle Lee (ATU iHub Mayo), Sabina Trench (SWMDC), Seamus McCormack (WestBIC), Eleanor Hussey (LEO Mayo) and John Magee (LEO Mayo). Mayo Ideas Month takes place in October 2024. Photo: Michael McLaughlin

Bryan Dobson part of a stellar lineup for Mayo Ideas Month

MAYO’S flagship business support series, Mayo Ideas Month, takes place in October with a series of idea generation, entrepreneurship and business events hosted by the enterprise development agencies and organisations in County Mayo.

The first event takes place on Friday, October 4, Decades of Success, celebrating 10 years of Mayo, Galway and Roscommon Local Enterprises Offices, hosted by recently retired RTÉ newsreader Bryan Dobson. Special guests include Willie Ruane (Connacht Rugby), sports personality Cora Staunton and composer Eimear Noone.

Practical and relevant events taking place around the county during October will address core challenges and areas facing organisations of all sizes. Mayo Ideas Month events will help businesses meet these challenges with confidence.

“I’m genuinely excited to launch the programme for this year’s Mayo Ideas Month”, said John Magee, head of enterprise, Local Enterprise Office Mayo.

“There are 10 events this year, and offer something for those in a wide range of businesses. In all cases the events are intended to offer practical advice and case studies and highlight available supports. The calibre of speakers and presenters is exceptional and I recommend all business owners to check the online calendar of events today.”

Events cover relevant and pressing topics such as the circular economy, talent acquisition and AI. Anyone interested in AI should put Wednesday, October 11, in the diary for Digital West 2024 'Supercharge your business with AI' at ATU Mayo. It’s a morning full of compelling presentations and demonstrations focusing on new technologies such as AI, VR, AR, analytics and automation.

Booking is open for businesses keen to secure their spot at Meet Mayo, the dynamic networking event at Ballinrobe Racecourse, on Wednesday, October 18.

The final event is the Mayo Business Awards ceremony which takes place in Breaffy House Hotel on Friday, November 1.

Full details of all events are on the website https://www.mayoideasmonth.ie/.

Mayo Ideas Month events are free of charge, most are in person events with a couple taking place online. Owners and managers of businesses large and small are invited to register through the website.

Events include support for new and fledgling businesses as well as guidance and networking for established enterprises. The events are carefully planned to help businesses at all different life stages from start-ups to scaling mature enterprises.

Business owners are encouraged to check out the programme and register online today.

Events are hosted by the following enterprise development agencies and organisations: LEO Mayo, Enterprise Ireland, Údarás na Gaeltachta, WestBIC, ATU, ATU iHub Mayo, South West Mayo Development Company, Fáilte Ireland and Skillnet Innovation Exchange.

Full details for all events are available on https://www.mayoideasmonth.ie/. Follow Mayo Ideas Week on Twitter and Facebook.