Pictured at the recent presentation of the awards were, from left, Damien McDermott (manager, Kilmovee/Urlaur GWS), Minister Malcolm Noonan, Deirdre O’Neill (NFGWS) and Mark Farrelly (CEO, NFGWS).

Mayo recognised at Group Water Scheme Excellence Awards

Kilmovee Urlaur Group Water Scheme was honoured for its outstanding contributions at the 2024 Group Water Scheme Excellence Awards.

Organised by the National Federation of Group Water Schemes (NFGWS), these annual awards celebrate the dedication and innovation demonstrated by group water schemes (GWSs) nationwide.

Entries were invited across four categories and evaluated by an independent, panel of experts. Group water schemes that achieved the required standard within their respective category were awarded an excellence flag and commemorative plaque, with an overall winner in each category receiving a special trophy.

Kilmovee Urlaur GWS was revealed as an Excellence Flag recipient for Biodiversity Enhancement.

Minister for State in the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH), Malcolm Noonan, announced the winners in front of over 280 attendees at this year’s Rural Water Services Conference.

Said Minister Noonan: “The Excellence Awards are a fantastic way to celebrate the hard work of group water schemes and to raise awareness within local communities of the vital service provided.”

Commenting at the awards, Mark Farrelly, CEO of the NFGWS, said: “We are delighted to see all of these fantastic schemes acknowledged for their commitment and drive in the area of rural water supply. The Excellence Awards is an important opportunity to recognise best practice and the work of GWS board members, volunteers, staff, and all those that contribute to such a strong organisation within their community.”