Launching the Private Billy Kedian air ambulance helipad. Photo shared by Councillor Alma Gallagher who said: “This vital life-saving service will provide an air ambulance base for the entire west of Ireland, bringing crucial emergency support to our communities.”

Mayo air ambulance helipad will ensure swift response to medical emergencies

PLANS for the development of the Private Billy Kedian Air Ambulance Helipad in Ballyhaunis have officially commenced, marking a significant step towards improving emergency response capabilities in the area.

The project, named in honour of Private Billy Kedian, a local hero who gave his life in South Lebanon while saving his fellow soldiers on May 31, 1999, aims to establish a critical resource that will enhance life-saving services in the region.

The idea for the helipad stems from the tragic circumstances surrounding Billy's death during a firefight between Israeli-backed militia and Hizballah fighters. On that fateful night, a UN helicopter was unable to land due to intense combat and the absence of a suitable landing pad.

The creation of this air-ambulance helipad will ensure medical emergencies in Mayo and the wider region can be met with swift and effective air transport.

The project is currently in its infancy, and the full delivery costs have yet to be finalised. However, early discussions have already begun with developers, planners, engineers, and other stakeholders to move the project forward. These discussions are crucial in laying the groundwork for what will be a highly impactful infrastructure for Ballyhaunis and the surrounding communities.

A comprehensive business case, including detailed costing, is being prepared. Once finalised, it will be presented to both national and local government authorities for their consideration and approval. The project’s success will rely heavily on securing public funding; however, any shortfall will be addressed through local fundraising efforts and community support.

While government support will play a key role, the people of Ballyhaunis and the wider Mayo community have already shown tremendous commitment to this cause. Various fundraising initiatives, including the upcoming concert 'Bringing Billy Home', headlined by Gerry Carney, have demonstrated the local community's determination to see this project succeed. Future events and fundraising campaigns will continue to play a pivotal role in ensuring that the project has the financial backing it needs.


The helipad will stand as a lasting tribute to Private Billy Kedian’s bravery and selflessness, ensuring that his legacy is one of continued service to others. It will also provide Ballyhaunis with a critical infrastructure asset, allowing for faster emergency medical transport and ultimately saving lives in the years to come.

The Private Billy Kedian Memorial Trust is dedicated to ensuring his memory lives on through projects that benefit the Ballyhaunis community, including the establishment of the air ambulance helipad.

For more information or to donate to the Private Billy Kedian Memorial Trust, please visit the Private Billy Kedian Air Ambulance Base Go FundMe page: