Mayo's Dolmen Club House hosting open weekend

THE Dolmen Club House is hosting an open weekend in Castlebar on October 11, 12 and 13.

On Friday, October 11, a mental health information day called 'Misneach' will take place in the Ellison Hotel, Castlebar, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

This will consist of several different organisations and guest speakers under the one roof, in the hope of reducing the stigma and promoting mental health.

Saturday and Sunday (October 12 and 13) see the Dolmen Clubhouse, Castlebar, doors open for everyone to visit between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., where the staff will be there to welcome potential members.

The Dolmen Club House is based on the international Club House model that was developed in New York over 50 years ago.

The club was first formed in Ballina in 2002, and due to the success of that club, a second one was opened in Castlebar in 2004.

The club houses are specifically designed to cater for people who have a primary mental health diagnosis. They operate a non-clinical service to provide members with a safe social space within a homely atmosphere which they can call their own, and the opportunity to interact with like-minded people.

Clubs are open seven days a week, offering a drop-in service across the two clubs, where members can pop in at their leisure and enjoy a non-judgemental atmosphere.

The Dolmen Club House been designed for, and by, its members, with a nominal yearly fee which covers the cost of all activities throughout the year.