Authors of Against the Grain: Community Development Work in the West of Ireland. From left: ATU’s Eoghan Murphy, Dr. Mark Garavan, Dr. Sheila McArdle, Sr. Maureen Lally, Tochar Valley Rural Community Network, Dr. John Mulloy and Mairead Cluskey. (Missing from the photograph is Terry Reilly who wrote the foreword). Photo: Ugnius Brazdziunas

New book dedicated to community man Terry Gallagher launched at ATU Mayo

A NEW book, Against the Grain: Community Development Work in the West of Ireland, dedicated to the late Terry Gallagher and authored by ATU academics and Tochar Valley Rural Community Network (TVRCN) staff, was launched in ATU Mayo by the cathaoirleach of Mayo County Council, Councillor John O’Hara.

The authors are ATU lecturers Dr. John Mulloy, who also illustrated the publication, Dr. Sheila McArdle, Dr. Mark Garavan, Eoghan Murphy and Mairead Cluskey and TVRCN member Sr. Maureen Lally. Former Western People editor Terry Reilly wrote the foreword to the book.

Terry Gallagher, a native of Currane, Achill, was a proud Mayo man, who was an excellent communicator and networker with a never-ending passion and commitment to the development of rural and urban communities in the county.

Terry recognised that each community member, young and old, had something to contribute to their community. Terry believed that part of the role of people working with communities is to inspire and empower others to unlock their potential and make positive change, to promote equality and justice.

The launch was attended by representatives from community organisations, academia, and local and national government who knew Terry and how he worked tirelessly with Mayo communities to bring about social change.

The initial catalyst for the book came from Tochar Valley Rural Community Network who are proactive in promoting community participation in decision-making.

The book is designed to guide the reader to consider an ever-changing world, to participate in reflective tasks and consider the intricacies of processes and actions to bring about social change and promote equality drawing on the five core values of community development - collectivity, community empowerment, social justice and sustainable development, human rights, equality and anti-discrimination, and participation.

Dr. Orla Flynn welcomed the publication as a new addition to the list of books recently authored from within the ATU community, and highlighted the importance of links with communities to form collaborations and develop projects.

Dr. Justin Kerr, vice-president, Mayo Campus ATU, and Head of School Health Science, Wellbeing and Society, said: “This book represents the deep commitment we have to fostering strong, resilient communities. With great pride, the work is dedicated to Terry Gallagher, whose unwavering loyalty to the people of Mayo has inspired us all. Terry's legacy of community spirit and service is at the heart of this publication, and we hope it will continue to inspire future generations.”

Mary Prendergast of the Tochar Valley Rural Community Network said: “It was a pleasure to work with ATU on this book. Terry Gallagher was committed to promoting justice and equality, he was a firm believer in action, holistic and practical education and that everybody has something to bring to community. I am delighted that Terry’s experience and insights are reflected in this new textbook for future community development work.”

ATU is to offer a new Level 6 part-time programme titled Higher Certificate in Community Development and Youth Work commencing mid-January 2025.

For information on this new course, contact Dr. Sheila McArdle or Mairead Cluskey