Councillor Cyril Burke

Call to have drinking by-laws in public areas of Mayo county town implemented

BY-LAWS governing the drinking of alcohol in public areas need to be implemented in Castlebar.

Speaking at a municipal district meeting, Councillor Cyril Burke highlighted people drinking over the last number of months, particularly off Linenhall Street, in the evenings.

Enforcement is a matter for the gardaí, Councillor Michael Kilcoyne informed him, adding there hasn't been a single prosecution.

Councillor Burke called on the gardaí to implement the by-laws and move people on.

“It's not fair on the general public,” he said.

Councillor Kilcoyne pointed to the shortage of gardaí in the town.

It was suggested by Councillor Harry Barrett that they write to the Minister for Justice asking for more gardaí to patrol the town.

The gardaí do not have the resources, he commented.