Senator Lisa Chambers

Calls for IDA to purchase large-scale site in Mayo to attract industry

SENATOR Lisa Chambers has called on the IDA (Industrial Development Authority) to purchase a large-scale site in Mayo as a strategic move to attract new industries and investment into the region.

The Fianna Fáil general election candidate for Mayo emphasised the importance of having readily available infrastructure to ensure the county remains a competitive and attractive location for multinational companies.

“Mayo has been home to several large-scale industry leaders for years, including Baxter, AbbVie, Hollister, Coca-Cola and Fort Wayne Metals,” said Senator Chambers. “These companies provide significant employment and contribute greatly to the local economy.

“However, in order to ensure continued growth and prosperity, it is crucial that the IDA takes a proactive approach by purchasing a large-scale site that can be readily available for potential investors.”

Senator Chambers pointed out that while Mayo has a strong industrial base, with companies excelling in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices and manufacturing, there is room for further expansion.

“It would be hugely positive for the county to see more investment, particularly from industries involved in renewable energy, technology, and advanced manufacturing. A pre-prepared, IDA-owned site would remove one of the key barriers to entry for new companies and make Mayo an even more appealing destination for global businesses looking to expand or relocate.”

Senator Chambers also highlighted the long-term benefits of such an investment. “Having an available site will allow the IDA to market Mayo as a prime location for industry. The county is already well-positioned with its skilled workforce, access to transport links, and strong industrial tradition. By taking this step, the IDA can actively seek to attract investment and facilitate the creation of high-quality jobs, boosting the local economy and further establishing Mayo as a hub for industry.”

She urged the IDA to act swiftly in securing a suitable site to capitalise on opportunities for future growth.

“The demand for investment-ready locations is competitive, and if we want to bring more global industry to Mayo, we need to be ahead of the curve. I am calling on the IDA to prioritise Mayo in their strategic plans and make this site purchase a reality.”