Mayo residents up in arms over delays in tackling road safety issues

Residents of the Milebush and Belcarra Road area of Castlebar have drawn attention to a number of pressing concerns that require immediate action and resolution.

Marie Derrig, chairperson of the Golf Course Road Residents Association, said her members have expressed their frustration over the delays in carrying out improvements in the interest of public safety.

In a letter to elected members of Castlebar Municipal District, she outlined: "For years now no improvements have been made on this side of Castlebar town.

"Every approach road to the town of Castlebar has been upgraded, but nothing, despite numerous appeals, has occurred. The residents cannot walk, cycle or even visit their neighbours safely on this road.”

She listed urgent concerns as follows:

Hedge and verge cutting.

Appropriate signage, road markings and speed limit reduction.

Access onto L1704 from all minor roads between French Hill and Milebush.

Immediate resurfacing of road from new bridge to Milebush Park.

General long-term issues include the following:

Footpath and lighting from Milebush to Golf Course.

Condition of road surfaces.

Blind and dangerous bends on L1704 between Milebush and French Hill, particularly the area known as Rice’s Corner.

Specific area concerns in respect of Milebush, Balloor and Drumminracahill are also cited in her letter.

Complete blind junction at the Milebush/Balloor exit onto the L1704 to be addressed immediately.

This area has been brought to the attention of both councillors and TDs over the years and has still to be resolved. It is impossible to exit onto the road safely as there is no visibility unless you are out on the main road.

Road signage is necessary in this area also.

A completion of the works associated with the ‘new Road’, aka the N5.

This infrastructure has had a serious impact on the residents’ lives for the past number of years.

“We have been left with a road that is substandard, with subsidence in areas and is dangerous to all travelling from both directions,” she said.

Road signage has not been replaced after the works carried out for new N5 road.

Residents have also been left with unsightly and unfinished entrances to their homes.

No road markings on the L1704 from the entrance to Lis na Ciorce estate to the new bridge. Cars are speeding on this road and overtaking, unaware that there are exits off the road.

Speed limits on the Balloor road need to be looked at as this was originally a bye road and is now treated as the main thoroughfare by many cars to access the town and its environs.

Blind junction at exit onto L1704 to be addressed immediately.

Hedge cutting necessary on this road also.

Extremely dangerous (blind on both sides) exit onto L1704 at Drumminracahill and needs urgent attention.

Condition of Drumminracahill/Ballykill upper road to Cottage Road at Jolly’s corner (overgrown hedges/narrow/poor road surface, grass in centre of road/blind bends/road signage).

Incomplete road surface (anti - slip coating not completed fully) on estate at Drumminracahill (F23XD78) and street lighting required.

Ms. Derrig added: "We the residents feel that our area is being neglected despite paying our taxes.

“These issues are long standing and require urgent action. Our overall concern is that inaction on the council’s behalf in our area could result in serious or even fatal consequences."