Members of Westport Order of Malta Unit - Eamon and Emer Berry and Brian Moran - witnessing the damage done to their property.Photo Conor McKeown

Mayo housing estate 'like a riot scene' following overnight criminal damage

Gardai are investigating a spate of criminal damage in Westport overnight in which the local Order of Malta headquarters, a library as well as a HSE residential unit was attacked sustaining extensive damage.

The windows in six cars were also smashed in the attack which occurred around 3 a.m. as well as windows in a minibus operated by the HSE.

Locals described the night’s events as ‘unprecedented’ and ‘shocking’.

Twenty one windows in the Order of Malta building at St. John’s Place were broken in the orgy of destruction.

Westport gardai are in attendance and preserving the scene. Photo: Conor McKeown

Eamon Berry, head of the local Order of Malta, this morning described the scene as “like the aftermath of a riot."

He said he was “horrified and shocked” by the extent of the damage.

The Order of Malta building was also used by community groups such as carers for dementia and the ICA,

Mr. Berry told Midwest Radio that in the adjoining HSE building triple glazed windows had been smashed in on top of vulnerable users.

“There is psychological damage also”, he continued. “Broken damage can be repaired."

Damage caused to a vehicle at the scene. Photo: Conor McKeown

Mr. Berry went on to describe what happened as ‘frightening’.

Gardai have sealed off the area as a crime scene as they begin their investigations.

Damage caused to Westport Order of Malta HQ. Photo: Conor McKeown

A statement by the force outlined: "Gardaí are investigating a criminal damage incident which occurred in Westport earlier today.

"At approximately 3 a.m. a number of vehicles and properties had their windows broken at an estate in the town.

"A man, aged in his 30s, was arrested and is currently detained under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984, at a garda station in the western region."

Another window smashed during the incident. Photo: Conor McKeown