Speed limit reduction on north Mayo area road bemoaned

PUBLIC representatives in the north Mayo area have expressed disappointment over one particular local road being reduced to a 60km/h zone.

Members of Ballina Municipal District were asked to consider the Speed Limit Review 2023 Assessment Report in relation to Mayo County Council Road Traffic (Special Speed Limits) Bye-laws 2024 at their September monthly meeting, at which it was outlined that the rural local road default speed limit will become 60km/h, apart from five cited for a special speed limit of 80km/h.

The one road in the Ballina MD area that meets the criteria for the special speed limit is the L-1127 (old N26), which was welcomed by councillors present at the meeting.

However, Councillor John O'Hara (Fine Gael) said a 60km/h limit on the Old Church Road – the old route to Swinford, with links off it to Attymass and Foxford – is very slow and people will not be happy with it.

Backing his colleague's comments, Councillor Mark Duffy (Ind) wondering if the reduced limit would have ramifications for the road in terms of future funding.

Addressing the query, senior engineer Orla Bourke said there would be no effect with regard to funding as the change to the speed limit is being brought about through national policy.

She further explained that the road does not currently meet the specific criteria that would permit it to qualify for the special speed limit of 80km/h. It would need 'significant investment' to bring it up to standard, she added.

Noting that work on EirGrid's 110kV north Connaught cable project, which runs from Ballina to Roscommon, will get underway next year along the Old Church Road, Councillor O'Hara said that might present an opportunity for upgrade works.

Ms. Bourke said that was something councillors could perhaps pursue with EirGrid.