Mary Lyons and Eileen Moane had the privilege of cutting the cake in the company of Aoife Ni Chathasaigh, director of nursing, Anne Patricia McCaleen, Liamy Mac Nally and Brian Cusack at the Mac Bride Community Nursing Unit 50th anniversary celebrations. Photos: Frank Dolan

Fifty years of community care celebrated in west Mayo

THE MacBride Community Nursing Unit in Westport has celebrated its 50th anniversary.

Fittingly, a big community gathering took place to mark the milestone at a facility that is hugely valued by the local community.

Extending his blessings and best wishes, Fr. John Kenny said: “The journey has been filled with countless memories, laughter, and shared experiences that have created a vibrant home from home.

“To the residents, your stories and wisdom enrich our lives, reminding us of the beauty of every stage of life.

“To the dedicated staff, your compassion and commitment make MacBride Nursing Home a truly special place.

“May the future be filled with even more joy, connection, and cherished moments. Here’s to many more years of togetherness and celebration!”