Increase in grant rates for Defective Concrete Blocks Scheme - Dillon announces

MINISTER of State at the Department of Housing, Alan Dillon, has announced an increase in the Defective Concrete Blocks Scheme.

His department has agreed a 10% increase in the Defective Concrete Blocks scheme cap and between 7.4% and 8.7% increase in the grant rates payable under the scheme in the northwest and mid-west regions, to account for construction inflation.

The new maximum grant is now €462,000.

The Enhanced Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme provides financial support to people so they can fix homes that have been damaged by the use of the defective concrete blocks. The increase amounts will apply to eligible relevant homeowners that are yet to receive a determination in respect of remediation option and grant amount.

The new scheme will allow for 100% grants subject to an overall maximum grant of €462,000, per dwelling.

Since June 12, 2024, DCB homeowners can also avail grants of up to €37,550 energy efficiency retrofitting scheme through SEAI.

Other changes will also include updates to the building condition assessment and sampling protocols, taking account of information currently available, including the learnings from the application of the current standard.

Said Minister Dillon: “I welcome the increase in grant and scheme amounts to homeowners affected by defective concrete blocks in their homes.

“Too many people in Mayo have been affected by this issue and I am confident that this enhancement of the scheme will provided a much-needed financial support to them.

“The alternative accommodation and storage costs and immediate repair works are granted to a maximum value of €25,000. The overall cost of the scheme is now estimated at €2.3 billion.”