Watch: Visiting a long forgotten yet intriguing Mayo waterway

Chris de Wet visited Ireland from the UK earlier this year to make a video about a canal that has intrigued him for over 50 years, namely The Cong Canal, often referred to as 'The Dry Canal'.

He has released a 17-minute video on YouTube to help increase interest in a relic of the waterways construction era.

"There is little about the Cong Canal that has been published in print, and nothing on film or video, so this will be of great interest to the local community wishing to learn more about the canal.

"The video explores the canal in detail, examines its chequered history, the reason why it gained its unusual name, and why it failed.

"Detailed help is offered should the viewer wish to explore the canal themselves," he said.

The video makes extensive use of drone footage to provide the context within the lush Mayo landscape for this significant undertaking.