Trailhead proposal along Mayo greenway

A NEW trailhead is proposed along the recently extended Achill greenway.

The location is in Cashel, at the rear of Ted's, and it is hoped to have it open for public use for next summer.

Trailhead plans submitted on behalf of Joe Fadian include 11 car-parking spaces, bike parking spaces, bicycle rental/maintenance, a toilet pod, sheltered picnic pod, public information board and waste collection facilities, as well as a picnic seating area, bicycle charging points and a new vehicular entrance from the neighbouring public roadway.

An application for planning permission has been submitted to Mayo County Council.

Documentation submitted to planners explains how the proposal is for a public facility associated with the recently extended greenway as far as Cashel and Ted's itself.

It is proposed that the facility would be a resource and amenity for the public and serve as a starting point for those using the greenway, and in turn would supplement the existing facilities already in place.

In time, with any future expansion of the greenway, the facility would provide stop and rest facilities along the route.

The proposal has been developed in line with the recommendations of rural cycleway design (offline and greenway) from Transport Infrastructure Ireland.

If permission is granted, it is hoped that works would start as soon as possible with a view to the facility being available to serve the public from next summer.