St. Nicholas' School. Photo from school website.

Extra classroom granted for north Mayo school

NEWS that additional accommodation has been granted for a special school in north Mayo has been welcomed by Minister of State Alan Dillon.

The Minister of State with responsibility for special education and inclusion, Hildegarde Naughton, has confirmed that an additional classroom has been granted to St. Nicholas' School, Ballina.

Said Minister Dillon: “I am please that further accommodation will be provided to the school and want to wish the best of luck to principal Clare Vesey-Brennan.

“This announcement is part of the expanded €2.9 billion package for special education in Budget 2025 which also includes up to 2,700 new places for children with special educational needs along with an additional 768 special education teachers and 1,600 special needs assistants (SNAs) to support children across mainstream, special classes and special schools.”