Joe Daly

People Before Profit select Joe Daly as Mayo general election candidate

People Before Profit has announced that Castlebar teacher Joe Daly is the party’s selected candidate for the Mayo constituency in the forthcoming general election.

Mr. Daly said: “I’m extremely proud to have been selected to be the People Before Profit-Solidarity candidate for my native county of Mayo.

"I have lived and worked here all my life. I am a father of four and have been a secondary teacher in Castlebar for 17 years.

"I am an elected union rep for the ASTI and have struggled against cuts in education since 2008.

“I have stood in two previous local elections in 2019 and 2024 and the general election in 2020.

"I have played a leading role in building grassroots campaigns for housing, health, anti-water privatisation, Repeal of the 8th, anti-fascism, against corruption and in solidarity with Palestine.

“If people were to believe the national media one would think that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have it wrapped up but their combined vote has not recovered above 44%.

"Despite the superficial giveaway budget there is deep scepticism towards these parties.

"Furthermore the fact that 18 out of 35 Fine Gael TDs are retiring reveals the lack of confidence behind the arrogant rhetoric of Simon Harris and Co.

"They’re very nervous which is why they are engaging in a frenzied mud slinging fest at Sinn Féin.

“In this election we are calling on young voters to get registered to finally end 100 years of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil rule.

"They leave a legacy of the worst housing crisis in the State’s history, cruel hospital waiting lists, a chronic lack of additional needs’ resources and supports for children, a recruitment and retention crisis in education, huge levels of inequality and poverty, corporate greed-flation and sickening complicity in the Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people.

"It’s long past time to be rid of these anti-worker parties.

“We believe another Ireland is possible. An Ireland in which we invest the vast wealth being hoarded by a minority in public services, to establish an Irish NHS, to provide free childcare in a public system, and truly free and inclusive education.

“Wages have lagged inflation for several years, so we need to give workers a break by abolishing the USC. Instead we should tax multi-millionaires.

"We need rent controls to reduce rent and we need to use the Apple tax to capitalise a state construction company to build the tens of thousands of social and affordable housing we need.”

“We need a left government that takes action to give real solidarity to Palestine – not just the weasel words of Simon Harris and the government.

"We need a government that will not scapegoat migrants and refugees for the housing crisis, and will take radical climate action such as making public transport free, retrofitting all housing in the state to a BER of B2 or above, and banning new data centres.

“While other parties flip-flop, we guarantee we will never go in with Fianna Fáil or Fine Gael.

"We fight to end 100 years of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael and for an Ireland for the many, not the few."