Speed cameras on Mayo route going live this week

THE Average Safety Camera system in place on the N5 Swinford bypass will go operational on Friday next, October 25.

Vehicles detected driving in excess of the 100km/h posted speed limit will be subject to prosecution from 12:00md on Friday.

The cameras have been installed between Lislackagh and Culmore, Swinford.

Average safety cameras are intended to change driver behaviour, reducing average speed of road users and the number of collisions that occur.

Unlike static safety camera detection, which measures the motorist's speed at one particular point along the road, average safety cameras monitor a driver’s average speed while driving between two points.

The cameras use Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology to record the time, date and location of each vehicle that passes through an entry and exit point. Drivers detected exceeding the speed limit - i.e. travelling from point A to point B too quickly, are issued with a Fixed Charge Notice

The current Fixed Charge Notice for speeding is a €160 fine, accompanied by 3 penalty points.