Mayo Camino walking festival proposed

A MAYO Camino walking festival has been mooted for the county.

Foxford-based Councillor Neil Cruise drew inspiration for the event having followed the journey of Swinford man Cathal Kelly who walked 2,200 kilometres from Canterbury to Rome on the ancient Via Francigena route recently.

He aired the idea at the monthly meeting of Mayo County Council, where it will now be looked at under the tourism and outdoor recreational strategy.

A Mayo Camino weekend festival of guided walks around the county would be a fantastic opportunity to sell Mayo and it would attract national and international walkers, he said.

He highlighted the various aspects it would offer, cultural, tourism and spiritual.

Councillor Mark Duffy said in a county with a great tradition of walks and greenways, this was a great idea.

It would also be a fitting legacy for the Kelly family and give a boost to tourism.