Ballyheane National School. Image from Google Maps.

Mayo national school extension to proceed to construction

MINISTER of State Alan Dillon has welcomed the announcement that approval has been given for an additional two classrooms for Ballyheane National School to proceed to construction.

Approval has been granted for an extension to the school which will include a mainstream classroom and a special education teaching room.

Minister Dillon has received confirmation from the Department of Education that they will now proceed to the construction phase of the project.

He said: “This is great news for Ballyheane National School and their wider community. It will provide much-needed facilities for students with special educational needs in the area along with a badly needed extra classroom.

“I want to wish principal Ann Marie Kelly, her staff, pupils and board of management the very best with this project in the months ahead.”

Deputy Michael Ring has also welcomed the news, stating: “Capital funding in our education system in vital to improve the learning environment for all children.

“I am sure that the teachers and students will benefit from the additional accommodation being provided.”