Mayo householders urged to make new year recycling resolutions

Mayo County Council is encouraging householders and businesses to make recycling a central part of their New Year’s resolutions.

One of the key findings of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently published report is that packaging waste accounts for approximately one third of kerbside waste collected from households and businesses.

Packaging waste has grown by over 20% since 2016, impacting recycling which has fallen by 7%.

There is a high risk that Ireland will not meet recycling targets for packaging and plastic packaging waste.

Sharon Cameron, environment awareness officer with Mayo County Council, encourages better recycling and waste reduction in 2025.

“As a new year begins, let’s make 2025 the year that we really turn the tide on waste and improve our recycling rates,” she said.

"Recycling is not just for home; we all need to recycle better in our workplaces and schools, and this includes the recycling of food waste through the brown bin system.

"Follow the guidance from your permitted waste collector and so that you will be better able to segregate your waste this year.”

Tops tips for recycling better in 2025

· Utilise Re-turn, the deposit return scheme (DRS) launched in 2024. The DRS covers PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic bottles and aluminium and steel cans between 150 ml and 3 litres.

· Maintaining good waste segregation practices within your household enables effective recycling and recovery of your waste. Wash, dry and separate packaging as you use it.

· Place clean, dry and loose recyclable materials in your recycling bin.

· Bottles and jars should be rinsed and caps removed before placing in your local bottle banks.

· To find out what items can be recycled visit

#what-goes-in-my-bin or

· Place food and other organic waste in your brown bin. If your household does not have a brown bin, sign up for a service when it becomes available.

· Take the time to clean and repair items before donating to a local charity shop or other reuse outlet such as online community exchange platforms.

· Bring bulky waste, WEEE, batteries, textiles, and hazardous waste items to your local bring bank or civic amenity centres.

· Visit for information on how to dispose of and recycle Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

· Find out more about how to recycle your end-of-life vehicles and the location of your nearest vehicle recycler through your local authority or at or