HIQA identifies 'works required to advance Mayo hospital'
A HIQA inspection of Ballina District Hospital has found the facility to be compliant or substantially compliant with nine national standards - and partially compliant with two national standards assessed.
A statement from the agency outlined: "While inspectors found that there were some formalised corporate and clinical governance arrangements in place for Ballina District Hospital, opportunities were identified for improvement.
"For example, there was no regional community forum where medication safety would be regularly reviewed and evaluated or where issues could be escalated and managed.
"This was identified in a previous HIQA inspection in 2020. Inspectors found that staff attendance at and uptake of mandatory and essential training in hand hygiene could be improved.
"Nevertheless, inspectors observed staff actively engaging with patients in a respectful and kind way, and this was validated by patients who were very complimentary of the service.
"Inspectors also noted that the physical environment of the clinical areas supported patients’ privacy, dignity and confidentiality.
"Overall, while examples of good practice were observed, further work is required to advance areas identified for improvement from management at Ballina District Hospital in conjunction with management in the community health region."