Architects drawings from Mayo County Council published on, where you can view the full plans.

Plans for 25 east Mayo social homes on public display

PLANS for 25 social houses in east Mayo are on public display.

The homes are proposed for construction at Abbeyquarter in Ballyhaunis and are phase 2 of the existing adjoining development.

The 25 new homes comprise as follows: twelve 2-bedroom houses, nine 3-bedroom houses, one 4-bedroom house, two 4-bedroom special needs houses and one 4-bedroom community dwelling.

Plans for the proposed development can be viewed online on Mayo County Council's consultation portal at until January 28.

Councillor Alma Gallagher said she has been working closely with Mayo County Council for the past 12 months to ensure the delivery of additional social housing to Ballyhaunis.

The planning notice is now on display for phase 2 of the Abbeyquarter Social Housing Scheme until January 28 and is a welcome addition of 25 units.

Procurement is to start in Quarter 2 of this year, she added.