Have your say on relief road scheme in south Mayo village
MAYO County Council, in association with Galway County Council and the Department of Transport, are currently formulating proposals for a relief road scheme to address traffic and transport needs at Cong village.
The study area identified for the project spans the county boundary between Mayo and Galway, with significant footprint in both counties.
The project is currently at the start of Phase 2 – options selection and as a first step, comments and feedback are being sought from the public which will play a crucial role in shaping the next stage.
Thousands of people visit Cong each year and the village also faces challenges due to its narrow streets and high traffic volumes, with up to 100 heavy goods vehicles pass through daily, creating safety concerns, congestion and damage to historic structures like the 12th century Market Cross monument. These issues are particularly pronounced during the summer, when the village is bustling with domestic and international tourists.
The new road will provide an alternative route for through traffic without the need to travel into the village centre. This will be particularly effective in diverting the large proportion of HGVs away from the centre and facilitate an improved quality of environment with enhanced safety for those in the village.
Visit https://congreliefroad.com for further details and follow the special link provided to Have Your Say. This link is also available on Mayo County Council and Galway County Council websites and social media channels.
The closing date for comments or observations is Friday, February 14, at 4 p.m.