Knockmore/Foxford Boxing Club's recently hosted one of the biggest tournaments ever staged in Foxford Sports & Leisure Centre. Front, from left, are: Michael Ronan Ward, Axel Doherty, Sean Bourke, Michael Jordan McDonagh, Leon Lackey, Martin Ward, Finn Judge and Benjamin Garvin. Back: Martin Ward (assistant coach), Hunter Byrne, Shay Judge, Bernie Lackey, Martin Lackey, Kevin Spellman, Warren Ryder, Michael Howley, Sé Dempsey, Kyle Reape, Joe Hanson (coach) and Billy Rice (referee/judge/coach).

Mayo boxing club hosts hugely successful underage tournament

Knockmore/Foxford Boxing Club (KFC) hosted one of the biggest tournament events ever staged recently in Foxford Sports & Leisure Centre.

A double programme for the Vincy James Memorial Tournament took a marathon six hours of boxing to complete.

The event commenced at 1 p.m. with 22 underage contests. Twenty-one involved a KFC boxer, and all were matched evenly (with the exception of one).

The experience gained by all boxers will be invaluable to them in the future.

KFC are grateful to St. Anne's, Castlebar, and Ardagh/Crossmolina for their fair and quality boxers to suit underage KFC members.

The main event had 24 more contests on the programme and KFC had nine boxers on the bill. Unfortunately, a couple of away boxers failed to turn up, so it left two home boxers off the programme.

The magnificent seven KFC boxers still involved in the event all had good, competitive contests, and all seven had their hands raised after the final bell.

It was 7 p.m. when that final bell sounded to conclude the double tournament. The event overall was a huge success, and was arranged as a fundraiser for the planned new KFC premises, which are on the agenda to commence soon.

Alan McTigue, KFC, was awarded the Kelly Cup as the best boxer and Benjamin Garvin, KFC, won the best underage boxer award.

Other club boxers on the main programme were Stephen McTigue, Martin Lawerance, Jonah Gallagher, Joshua Garvin, Sam Reddington and Pearse Lawless.

Due to the huge success of the underage event, KFC will stage another similar event this season (date and venue to be announced.) A number of other clubs have also suggested they will follow suit.