Councillor Ger Deere has been raising concerns about the smell from treatment plant in Castlebar. Photo: Alison Laredo

Lingering odour issue at treatment plant in Mayo county town

AN odour issue emanating from the sewage treatment plant in Castlebar is ongoing.

Some local residents have been forced to leave their home, the smell is so bad, Councillor Ger Deere told a municipal district meeting.

He highlighted the matter months ago, and again before Christmas, saying the smell is 'unbelievable', with one family in Summerfield having to leave their home.

He has received no response to his representations on the issue.

The plant is rented out by Uisce Éireann to private operators, he added.

Councillor Blackie Gavin said when the plant was at planning stage, he asked for it not to be built where it is, in a built up area.

Unless money was received from government to put in the proper infrastructure, it would be recurring, he warned.

The role of the EPA in the matter was queried by Councillor Donna Sheridan, cathaoirleach, and members supported a call from Councillor Michael Kilcoyne that the council write to the EPA to investigate the smell and issue a report on what action they will take.