Share your ideas on east Mayo Town Centre First plan
BALLYHAUNIS is Mayo’s second town to receive funding to develop a plan under the Town Centre First Programme, aimed at supporting the regeneration of Irish rural town centres with a strong focus on addressing dereliction and vacancy and improving public spaces.
Ballyhaunis’ Town Centre First (TCF) plan will be a blueprint for future development which aims to make the town a more attractive place to live, work, visit and run a business.
Naturally, the views, ideas and knowledge of the local community, businesses, residents of Ballyhaunis and its hinterland are fundamental in this process.
Mayo County Council, their consultant team and Ballyhaunis town team want to hear your ideas for a better Ballyhaunis and extend an invitation to everyone in Ballyhaunis to participate in this exciting project for the further development of the town.
Everyone is welcome to family friendly drop-in sessions taking place in Ballyhaunis Community Hall, Main Street (F35Y337), on this Friday, February 7, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., and on Saturday, February 8, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
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