An old phone box destroyed by Storm Éowyn in Castlebar. PHOTO: ALISON LAREDO

Call for Mayo coordination group in aftermath of storm

COUNCIL management in Mayo is being asked to set up a coordination group to ensure joined up thinking and give reassurances about readiness and responses around storm events.

Three separate motions are on the agenda for next Monday's monthly Mayo County Council meeting in the aftermath of Storm Éowyn.

Fine Gael Councillor Peter Flynn has requested that 'the chief executive provides a written chronological, date specific report to the members of Mayo County Council on the council’s preparedness for and response to the recent storm event Éowyn, to include details of meetings held, staff commissioned, buildings secured, communication and co-ordination with staff, public, elected members, utilities and other stakeholders.'

Fianna Fáil Councillor Damien Ryan wants to see more joined up thinking in responding to emergencies such as the storm created.

His motion, acknowledging the severity of Storm Éowyn and response by service providers within Mayo, called for the council to immediately set up a coordination group within the county, with public representatives at the centre of it.

Given that lessons need to be learned, there was an absolute need for a coherent, joined up plan, with all service providers working together, he said.

The absence on this occasion by many service providers of clarity, updates, go to personnel, prioritising of emergency cases, inaccurate information being in abundance, public representatives being the last to be notified (given the fact that they are the first people to be contacted) was 'totally unacceptable and caused huge problems'.

Councillor Ryan's motion sought the support of all national representatives and government ministers within Mayo in having this group set up and working immediately with compelling powers. They should sit on the group, along with councillors who wish to be part of it.

In the third motion, Independent Councillor Richard Finn called on the council to write to the government and Minister for Local Government Housing and Heritage, James Browne, to request funding for the extra expenses and clean up after the recent storm.