Pedestrian crossing a priority in active travel plan for Mayo county town
CALLS for a pedestrian crossing on the Westport Road in Castlebar should be addressed under a new active travel plan for the area.
Representations on the need for a safe crossing have been raised by Councillor Harry Barrett at a municipal meeting.
Councillor Donna Sheridan said members have been fighting for this for the past five years.
The public consultation on the active travel plan saw 70 submissions received looking for pedestrian crossings, she added, as well as a footpath out to Shaws or even as far as the roundabout.
Councillor Sheridan said she will be 'disgusted and disappointed' if that isn't taken into account when the plan is brought back to them. Hopefully it will be delivered as part of the scheme.
An emerging design should be out for further consultation in March, municipal head David Mellett told members.
Councillor Barrett asked that the pedestrian crossing will be the first step and installed as soon as possible.