A view of the Oweninny Wind Farm in north Mayo.

Green light for phase three of north Mayo wind farm

PHASE three of the Oweninny Wind Farm in north Mayo has been approved by An Bord Pleanála.

This part of the Bord na Mona Powergen development comprises 18 wind turbines and a 110kV substation compound and underground cable connection from the proposed substation to the existing substation at Bellacorick.

It will have an electrical output of c. 90MW. to replace the existing 21 no. existing Bellacorick Wind Farm.

Oweninny Wind Farm has been developed to date in two phases. Phase 1, commissioned in 2019, is located immediately west/northwest of the proposed development site and consists of 29 turbines (93 MW).

Oweninny phase 2 is west of the development site and consists of 31 turbines (99 MW) and was commissioned in 2023.

The Bellacorick Wind Farm has been operational on the site since 1992, with an installed capacity of 6.45 MW, and will be decommissioned with new turbines installed near where the existing turbines are located.

The proposed development site is located at Oweninny Bog. A 10-year planning permission and 30-year operational life from the date of commissioning of the entire wind farm was sought.