New road signs causing confusion

THE new road signs on local rural roads are causing confusion.

Why a speed limit sign displaying '60' could not have been erected has been queried by a Mayo councillor.

Signs displaying five black lines are in place on local roads where a 60kph limit now applies.

Louisburgh Councillor Chris Maxwell has wondered why things couldn't have been kept simple and just put '60' on the sign.

Some people don't understand what's going on, he told a meeting of Mayo County Council. And tourists will be asking what the lines are for, he added.

Councillor Sean Carey said a lot of people on regional roads think the limit there is to 60kph, with traffic building up behind them.

Better communication and promotion was needed, he said, adding that a lot of the roads reduced to 60 were capable of staying at 80.

They were all in favour of road safety but he felt the new measure might be counter-productive.

Councillor Damien Ryan said they had been asked to accept a directive from the department which he felt was unconstitutional.

He asked the council to seek legal opinion on this and to write to the Attorney General asking if he was confident to stand over them.

Councillor Deirdre Lawless said motorists are frustrated and the limits don't make any sense.

There had been no analysis and they should be looking at it road by road instead of a blanket limit.