Mayo town getting a dirty image due to 'lazy' dog owners

The town of Castlebar is getting a dirty image because lazy dog owners are not picking up their pet's poo while walking them.

The issue has become a huge concern for residents living in areas where dog are being walked on a regular basis.

These have become particular black spots and no action is being taken to address the situation.

The matter is also a source of anger for people going on their own daily walks and having to be constantly on the alert to avoid stepping in the wrong place.

A number of townspeople have asked The Connaught Telegraph to highlight the matter because it has got completely out of control.

One stated: "The town is getting a reputation of being a dirty one, which is sad when you consider all the great work being done by the council, the Tidy Towns and the Community Clean-Up Group to keep the town clean.

"A radical plan has to be put in place to tackle this issue once and for all and it's all because some dog owners are too lazy to clean up after their pets.

"The council should consider assigning a warden to deal directly with this issue until it stamped out through enforcement and heavy fines."