The former pub property (red doors) that is subject of appeal. Photo from Mayo County Council planning report.

Decision on residential plan for former Mayo pub overturned

THE planned transformation of a pub premises in Castlebar into a residential property has been approved by An Bord Pleanála.

This overturns a decision by Mayo County Council which rejected a proposal for the property at 36 Spencer Street, Castlebar, which involves the refurbishment of the existing public house and residential building into a new residential property, with partial demolition for the construction of a new two-storey dwelling.

Applicants Martin Lally and Fionnuala Byrne appealed the council decision to An Bord Pleanála.

The council refusal related to design features and characteristics being out of character with the overall design theme of Spencer Street. Also, planners couldn't be satisfied the development would not injure or interfere with a historic monument, which is registered.

The property is currently vacant.

The appeals board agreed with the finding of their inspector that the Castlebar Local Area Plan 2023 to 2029 emphasises the retention, sympathetic maintenance and sustainable reuse of historic buildings, as well as the preservation of streetscape character, fabric and detail.

It considered that, subject to compliance with a number of conditions, the proposed development would not be seriously injurious to the amenities or archaeology of the area and would not give rise to impact upon the registered monument.