Progress revealed on key Mayo healthcare investments
Four major projects in Mayo hospitals are currently progressing to the detailed design phase, said Minister of State, Alan Dillon.
Minister Dillon said a number of capital projects in Mayo are currently progressing after he received an Infrastructural update from Mayo, HSE West and North West.
In the plan, a number of Mayo projects are which are at various stages of appraisal, detailed design or construction.
Those intended to progress to detailed design this year are:
1. Proposed new 75 bed CNU to replace the existing short stay beds at Ballina District Hospital and long stay beds at St. Augustine’s.
2. Proposed new 50 bed CNU to replace existing short stay beds at Belmullet District Hospital and long stay beds at Aras Deirbhile, Belmullet.
3. A new ground floor extension to the emergency department (ED) and reconfiguration of the existing ED with seven additional assessment and treatment spaces at Mayo University Hospital.
4. A new first floor medical assessment unit at the first floor of Mayo University Hospital with ten spaces. Reconfiguration of C Ward to facilitate the new build tie-in and provide additional isolation rooms.
5. The new Daisy Lodge short break facility for children undergoing cancer treatment and their families is also hat the detailed design stage.
The facility, located in Cong, is being delivery lead by Cancer Fund for Children with HSE support and will comprise of a 30,000 sq ft centre.
Projects currently being constructed include:
Building works associated with the replacement of the existing CT scanner, including an extension to house the new scanner.
Electrical upgrade at Mayo University Hospital which is being done to support the emergency department extension.
The reconfiguration and upgrade of the Hospital Sterile Services Department (HSSD) at Mayo University Hospital
An updated Development Control plan, hospital campus and adjacent lands in conjunction with Mayo County Council local area plan is due to be completed by the end of 2025.
Projects at construction stage:
Refurbishment and a small extension of two High Support Community Residences at An Coilin and Teach Aisling to accommodate nine residents will be completed in April.
Construction on an extension at Ballina Primary Care Centre is nearing completion with the centre expected to be operational in quarter four of 2025.
Construction has commenced at Ballyhaunis Primary Care Centre has commenced. The centre is expected to be operational in early 2026.
A submission for capital funding for a new ambulance base in Castlebar is also currently being prepared.
This will see the new station, with a regional training and education facility over two floor levels on a greenfield site.
The station will include 16 vehicle canopy, wash bay and to accommodate 134 daily staff.
Minister Dillon said: “These developments represent our commitment to improving healthcare services for the people of Mayo and investing significantly in future capital projects.
"I look forward to seeing these projects come to fruition and continue to make strides in enhancing our healthcare infrastructure.”