Learn to brew with Mescan's Cillian Ó’Moráin.

Learn to brew at Mayo's Mescan Brewery

THE fascination with beer and brewing is rooted deep in our culture and Mescan Brewery opens their doors to fledgling brewers with occasional brew courses.

A few places are still left on the next 'Learn How to Brew a Belgian Beer’ course taking place on Saturday, March 22, in their brewery near Westport.

Led by Cillian Ó’Moráin, the in-depth course covers all aspects of brewing, from ingredient selection to packaging the finished beer.

It's a hands-on practical course where attendees brew a commercial batch of the flagship Mescan Blond beer in the brewery as well as covering all the theory. This comprises how to mill grain, make a brew and start fermentation as well as select ingredients and equipment plus a vast amount of technical information.

The day includes tastings of the full range of Mescan Belgian style beers as well as some beers specially selected to demonstrate individual beer flavour components.

Everyone receives full course notes and the offer of email support afterwards. Participants are invited to come back and collect bottles of the beer they have made.

A full lunch of mainly local meats, cheeses, breads and salads are included in this full day course.

The cost is €160 per person and advance booking is absolutely essential as numbers are strictly limited. Booking is online through www.mescanbrewery.com.

A tour group enjoy their visit to Mescan Brewery.