Workshop for nursing profession at ATU Mayo
A free Fitness to Practice workshop facilitated by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) and hosted by Atlantic Technological University (ATU)’s Department of Nursing, Health Science and Integrated Care will take place in ATU Mayo on Thursday, March 20, for members of the nursing profession.
The event in St. Mary’s Hall on campus (Castlebar), from 12 noon to 3 p.m., aims to provide student nurses and registered nurses with insights into the role of NMBI and its Fitness to Practice process and how professional standards impact nursing careers.
Guest speakers are Niamh McDonald, liaison officer for the Fitness to Practice Department at NMBI, who has over 25 years’ experience in legal support and guidance, and Jeanne Tarrant, fitness to practice officer, who has over 20 years clinical experience in nursing and midwifery.
Bookings for this workshop are here: NMBI workshop
Christina Larkin, head of the ATU Department of Nursing, Health Science and Integrated Care, says: “This is an information sharing event open to all members of the nursing profession in our region and beyond, as well as anyone in healthcare interested in the Fitness to Practice process and the work of the NMBI.”
More information on Nursing, Health Science and Integrated Care programmes in ATU Mayo here: General nursing Mental health nursing Applied social care Early childhood education and care