Join HSE's Living Well programme in Mayo

THE HSE Living Well programme is a free, evidence-based self-management support resource, available across HSE West and North West. That includes the counties of Galway, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo, Leitrim and Donegal.

Living Well is for adults over 18 years living with one or more long term health condition(s). The programme is also suitable for carers.

Living Well is a non-clinical programme which uses a peer-to-peer model, in that it is generally delivered by people who are living with a long-term health condition themselves.

The programme supports participants to develop the confidence and skills to better manage their condition and improve their quality of life.

Living Well is available online and in-person. Support is provided as required to help participants access and use the online platform.

A promotional video produced in collaboration between the Living Well Programme team, past participants of the programme, general practice and community health network staff demonstrates the really positive impact the programme has on the lives of those living with long-term health conditions, while a number of healthcare professionals share their experience of the benefits of Living Well for their patients.

Said Claire Hennigan, HSE self-management support coordinator: “We would like to encourage adults living with long-term health conditions and their carers to avail of this evidence based programme. Participants in our area have provided a wealth of positive feedback on the impact of Living Well on their everyday lives.

“The testimonials in this video reflect the findings of international and Irish research studies, which have shown the effectiveness of the programme in terms of improving quality of life and confidence for self-managing health.”

To register for the programme in Mayo, email or phone (087) 718 5615. See for upcoming programmes.