At the captains' drive-in at Castlebar Golf Club, pictured, from left, were Ryan Kilkelly, junior captain, Sean Smyth, president, Mary Caulfield, lady president, Terri Fahy, lady captain, and John Gilligan, men's captain.

Mayo golf club marks season start with captains' drive-in

CASTLEBAR Golf Club officially kicked off the 2025 season on Sunday with a celebratory champagne reception for the much-anticipated captains' drive-in.

Fellow golfers, family and friends gathered around the first tee to watch captains Terri Fahy and John Gilligan and junior captain Ryan Kilkelly hit their ceremonial drives.

With cheers and applause, the drives sailed long and true, finding the middle of the fairway, marking the perfect start to the year ahead.

Castlebar Golf Club has extended its best wishes to the captains and presidents for a successful season of great golf and memorable moments.

Lady president Mary Caulfield with lady captain Terri Fahy.
Men's captain John Gilligan, Ryan Kilkelly, junior captain, and Terri Fahy, lady captain, Castlebar Golf Club.