Hard-hitting AXA Roadsafe Roadshow returns to Mayo

MAYO County Council, in partnership with AXA Insurance, has announced the return of the AXA Roadsafe Roadshow in 2025.

The aim of the Roadsafe Roadshow, which takes place on Wednesday, April 2, in the TF Royal Theatre, Castlebar, is to encourage the next generation of young road users to actively focus the mind and 'think' about the importance of road safety.

The roadshow will inform and educate the attendees on the impacts that dangerous driving, speeding, substance abuse and distracted driving can have on themselves, their passengers and other road users.

Transition year students from secondary schools and Youthreach centres from across Mayo will attend the event.

Presentations on the day will come from An Garda Síochána, Mayo Fire Service, National Ambulance Service and a consultant based within the Accident & Emergency Department in Mayo University Hospital. They will deliver unflinching first-hand accounts of the terrible consequences of road carnage and the dangers of driving on our roads.

Presentations will also be made by a family member of a deceased road traffic accident victim as well as a survivor of a road traffic collision.