An Irish bar scene. Photo: Elizabeth Toher

Vintners seeking clarity on Covid-19 measures

The Vintners Federation of Ireland (VFI) is calling for urgent clarity about how pubs should implement government advice about mass gatherings.

A number questions arise from action introduced by the governmenr last week.

1. Are smaller-sized pubs to be treated differently to larger venues given social distancing is easier in bigger premises?

2. What social distancing advice should publicans implement?

3. Should pubs cancel events over 100 people or reduce the event size?

4. Pubs are at the sharp end of this crisis and will need urgent assistance and forbearance – what is the government plan?

VFI Chief Executive Padraig Cribben states: “This is a national emergency which requires all of us to do our part.

"Having said that we require clarity about how pubs should implement social distancing and restricting their premises to 100 customers.

"Right now, there is little information about how to manage the unfolding situation.”

A number of pubs in Mayo have reduced seating, table arrangements and restricted numbers of patrons.

A premises in Ballyhaunis, Delaney's, announced its decision to close from today until further notice to aid in preventing the spread of the virus.

Many other public houses across the region have taken similar action, including Mellett's Emporium, Swinford.

A statement issued this morning by Tom McDonagh, Vintners’ Federation of Ireland, Galway City chairman, outlined: "Since the government’s announcement last Thursday that all pubs and restaurants could remain open subject to implementing social distancing guidelines, we as publicans have tried our best to work within those guidelines.

"Over the past couple of days, it has become obvious that keeping a safe distance between customers is extremely difficult to achieve, therefore we are recommending to our members to close all Galway city pubs today for the next two weeks to protect our staff and customers as the nation battles coronavirus."