New Mayo awareness initiative to tackle dog fouling problem

MAYO County Council has partnered with Dogs Trust Ireland in running a series of workshops to encourage more responsible dog ownership.

The workshops which took place in Claremorris involved visits from Dog’s Trust Education Officer and Mayo County Council’s Dog Warden to local schools and community groups.

The fun, interactive workshops focused on responsible dog ownership and staying safe around dogs.

Laura Mulligan, Dog Warden with Mayo County Council, explained the importance of dog control particularly at this time of year.

“With lambing season well underway, we appeal to dog owners to be extra vigilent that their dogs are under control at all times and are kept on a lead when in public and in particular near farms.

"We have seen complete devastation with sheep being attacked by dogs in the past and we need all dog owners to have their dogs controlled at all times”

As part of the campaign, the dangers associated with dog fouling being left in public places was highlighted.

Dog faeces can carry infections including Toxocariasis, which can pass to humans through contact with contaminated faeces.

Human Toxocariasis is a potentially serious illness which can result in eye disorders and may lead to blindness.

Sharon Cameron, Environment Awareness Officer with Mayo County Council, said that owners not cleaning up after their pets remains an issue in the county.

“Dog faeces being left in public places is one of the most common litter related complaints that we get from the public.

"It is of concern for parents of children playing in public green areas and for wheelchair users and those pushing buggies trying to navigate dog faeces on footpaths,” she stated.

Not cleaning up after your dog is an offence under the Litter Pollution Act and dog owners can incur a fine of €150.

All dog owners are asked to always carry poop scoop bags when out walking their dogs.

Dog fouling can be bagged and placed in any litter bin.

Dogs Trust Ireland is Ireland's largest dog welfare charity and an important part of their work is offering help and advice on being a responsible dog owner.

They also recently launched their dog fouling campaign called the ‘Big Scoop’.

Full details are available on .

* Pictured at the launch of the campaign were Tom Jennings, Litter Warden, Laura Mulligan, Dog Warden, Sharon Cameron, Environment Awareness Officer, Mayo County Council, responsible dog owner mascot and Aoife Murdock, Education Officer, Dogs Trust Ireland.