Mayo domestic abuse and rape crisis supports still in place despite Covid-19

County Mayo domestic abuse and rape crisis support services have added their voices to a major new TV, Radio and social media advertising campaign to tackle the serious issue of domestic violence.

The campaign seeks to reassure victims that services are ‘still here’, and that victims are being prioritised during the COVID-19 emergency.

Lorretta McDonagh, Mayo Rape Crisis Centre, said: “We support survivors of sexual violence in their healing and in the hard times.

“For many survivors the emergency brings added stress on top of their trauma, this is why in Mayo Rape Crisis Centre we are still here for you. We are delighted to support the campaign.”

Josephine spokesperson for Mayo Women’s Support Services, a Safe Ireland frontline member service, said: “We welcome the timely, new government awareness and information campaign on domestic violence, called Still Here.

“The most important message is that we are open and working to help protect women and children here in (county) Covid-19 brings challenges but we are re-configuring and finding new, creative ways to help keep women safe.”

“During Covid-19 we are being reminded that we are all in this together. The response to domestic violence can be no different.

“This campaign is also asking people to be vigilant, to keep in touch with friends and family, to be aware that homes may not be safe, and to be a voice in looking for support at a time when a survivor not be able to use hers because of being isolated or controlled with an abuser.”

The new ads were developed by the Department of Justice and Equality who collaborated with frontline services.

The powerful ads depict the reality for victims of domestic abuse when their home is no longer a safe place.

One of the radio ads depicts a mother trying to reassure her child that their effort to hide from their abuser is just a game of ‘Hide and Seek’ while the other features a male victim trying to communicate his plight to the emergency services.

The TV ad meanwhile portrays a woman’s attempt to keep in contact with her friend through a video call being interrupted by her abusive partner.